HESSI Flare List (generated 25-Aug-2012 11:37) Total # flares: 65058 Time range: 12-Feb-2002 21:29:56.000 - 31-Jul-2012 14:38:28.000 Flare Start time Peak End Dur Peak Total Energy X Pos Y Pos Radial AR Flags s c/s Counts keV asec asec asec 6100119 1-Oct-2006 11:02:40 11:09:02 11:25:00 1340 42 237984 6-12 898 -154 911 915 A0 P1 6100220 2-Oct-2006 06:03:00 06:04:06 06:05:16 136 120 65616 6-12 938 -132 948 915 A0 GS P1 Q1 6100204 2-Oct-2006 14:00:40 14:02:50 14:02:56 136 120 44640 6-12 401 -328 518 0 A0 GE P1 PE Q2 6100228 2-Oct-2006 20:58:00 21:00:18 21:05:08 428 104 159744 6-12 970 -109 976 915 A0 DR P1 Q1 6100301 3-Oct-2006 13:58:48 14:02:30 14:07:36 528 120 216000 6-12 440 -245 504 0 A0 P1 PE Q1 6100407 4-Oct-2006 01:50:56 01:51:50 01:54:44 228 816 189264 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DR PS Q1 6100503 5-Oct-2006 12:39:00 12:39:34 12:40:24 84 36 11112 6-12 330 -428 541 0 A0 P1 6100516 5-Oct-2006 17:51:20 17:52:02 17:52:48 88 42 12528 6-12 362 -403 542 0 A0 P1 6100517 5-Oct-2006 20:43:48 20:51:22 21:04:24 1236 304 759312 6-12 322 -414 525 913 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 6100645 6-Oct-2006 15:49:52 15:51:18 15:54:28 276 64 52704 6-12 519 -389 649 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 6100646 6-Oct-2006 18:31:28 18:34:02 18:35:32 244 64 48912 6-12 549 -394 676 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 6100702 7-Oct-2006 05:59:24 06:00:34 06:02:16 172 152 76296 6-12 624 -387 734 913 A0 P1 6100745 7-Oct-2006 06:02:16 06:02:54 06:05:24 188 108 61584 6-12 630 -391 741 913 A0 P1 6100743 7-Oct-2006 10:26:44 10:27:18 10:28:04 80 720 46872 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 PS 6100704 7-Oct-2006 12:09:48 12:13:14 12:18:36 528 128 234432 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 PE PS Q1 6100744 7-Oct-2006 12:33:40 12:35:02 12:38:00 260 32 39888 6-12 663 -383 766 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 6100705 7-Oct-2006 15:41:32 15:42:38 15:47:16 344 88 60720 6-12 686 -390 789 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 6100746 7-Oct-2006 17:14:00 17:15:26 17:16:44 164 22 17952 6-12 693 -382 791 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 6100801 8-Oct-2006 06:07:52 06:08:22 06:08:56 64 144 11808 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 PS 6100824 8-Oct-2006 09:46:40 09:48:18 09:49:32 172 32 28800 6-12 745 -409 850 913 A0 P1 6100805 8-Oct-2006 20:50:48 20:51:18 20:51:48 60 120 8400 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DR PS Q1 6101003 10-Oct-2006 22:32:28 22:33:54 22:34:00 92 80 19632 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 GE PE PS Q2 6101102 11-Oct-2006 09:16:28 09:16:58 09:17:28 60 108 8592 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 PS 6101103 11-Oct-2006 10:20:48 10:24:46 10:29:44 536 136 238368 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 PE PS Q1 6101105 11-Oct-2006 22:29:44 22:31:06 22:31:12 88 80 18888 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 GE PE PS Q2 6101333 13-Oct-2006 20:38:16 20:40:46 20:42:32 256 88 70704 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 PS 6101408 14-Oct-2006 02:16:48 02:17:22 02:21:52 304 176 105840 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 ES PS Q1 6101502 15-Oct-2006 07:44:04 07:44:34 07:45:04 60 200 9792 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 PS 6101503 15-Oct-2006 23:35:16 23:36:06 23:38:32 196 816 202512 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DR PS Q1 6102201 22-Oct-2006 06:56:48 06:59:30 07:28:08 1880 1328 3461832 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DR ES PS Q2 6102202 22-Oct-2006 08:42:52 08:44:10 08:46:12 200 384 79920 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 PS 6102204 22-Oct-2006 13:20:24 13:25:22 13:39:16 1132 304 516552 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DR ES PE PS Q3 6102407 24-Oct-2006 00:42:04 00:42:58 00:47:04 300 28 45552 6-12 873 -105 879 918 A0 P1 6102420 24-Oct-2006 00:47:04 00:47:46 00:49:28 144 28 21216 6-12 865 -100 871 917 A0 P1 6102414 24-Oct-2006 02:28:40 02:29:14 02:29:52 72 352 21528 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 PS 6102415 24-Oct-2006 07:28:16 07:28:54 07:30:04 108 24 12576 6-12 880 -77 884 918 A0 P1 6102416 24-Oct-2006 09:02:12 09:02:42 09:05:00 168 24 17904 6-12 886 -76 889 918 A0 P1 6102417 24-Oct-2006 15:02:44 15:03:14 15:03:48 64 88 10416 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 DR PS Q1 6102421 24-Oct-2006 23:12:36 23:12:58 23:16:32 236 22 25392 6-12 949 -62 951 918 A0 P1 6102422 24-Oct-2006 23:16:32 23:18:06 23:20:00 208 26 25248 6-12 952 -27 953 918 A0 P1 6102419 24-Oct-2006 23:20:00 23:21:50 23:27:32 452 28 56328 6-12 949 -25 949 918 A0 P1 6102507 25-Oct-2006 18:24:48 18:25:46 18:27:48 180 26 25344 6-12 982 -19 982 918 A0 P1 6102508 25-Oct-2006 19:39:00 19:39:34 19:45:04 364 28 44424 6-12 984 -13 984 918 A0 ES P1 Q1 6102616 26-Oct-2006 12:11:56 12:12:34 12:14:04 128 24 14400 6-12 964 -27 965 917 A0 P1 6102618 26-Oct-2006 12:35:52 12:36:50 12:37:40 108 60 25296 6-12 978 -29 979 917 A0 DR P1 Q1 6102620 26-Oct-2006 15:10:36 15:12:10 15:15:36 300 32 45288 6-12 984 -21 984 917 A0 P1 6102701 27-Oct-2006 00:55:28 00:56:02 00:56:32 64 128 10752 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 PS 6102829 28-Oct-2006 02:44:24 02:45:42 02:46:20 116 34 19824 6-12 897 -127 906 0 A0 DR P1 Q1 6102814 28-Oct-2006 05:23:20 05:29:22 05:31:04 464 71 87207 6-12 909 -140 920 0 A0 DF P1 Q1 6102815 28-Oct-2006 05:31:04 05:32:42 05:35:40 276 81 61213 6-12 911 -134 921 0 A0 DF P1 Q1 6102830 28-Oct-2006 05:46:00 05:46:10 05:47:04 64 31 8828 6-12 910 -120 918 0 A0 DF DR P1 Q2 6102820 28-Oct-2006 06:55:08 06:57:34 07:00:48 340 80 74256 6-12 902 -155 916 0 A0 DF P1 Q1 6102821 28-Oct-2006 08:34:04 08:36:22 08:40:40 396 60 81768 6-12 910 -156 924 0 A0 P1 6102822 28-Oct-2006 10:23:04 10:24:14 10:25:04 120 26 13944 6-12 916 -164 930 0 A0 P1 6102823 28-Oct-2006 10:27:32 10:28:34 10:29:28 116 30 15360 6-12 911 -159 925 0 A0 P1 6102825 28-Oct-2006 20:06:04 20:06:26 20:07:52 108 22 12456 6-12 947 -107 953 0 A0 P1 6102806 28-Oct-2006 21:11:08 21:13:38 21:17:48 400 496 297072 6-12 940 -113 946 0 A0 P1 6102827 28-Oct-2006 23:15:40 23:16:10 23:17:04 84 28 10992 6-12 961 -106 967 0 A0 P1 6102922 29-Oct-2006 00:32:32 00:33:06 00:33:40 68 96 11160 6-12 951 -99 956 920 A0 P1 6102923 29-Oct-2006 00:53:08 00:53:38 00:55:04 116 28 15792 6-12 963 -103 968 920 A0 P1 6102930 29-Oct-2006 11:43:08 11:43:30 11:44:12 64 26 8064 6-12 966 -126 974 920 A0 DR P1 Q1 6102932 29-Oct-2006 13:58:44 14:01:54 14:08:16 572 60 94032 6-12 951 -162 965 920 A0 DR EE GS P1 Q3 6102914 29-Oct-2006 18:12:44 18:13:14 18:13:44 60 104 7392 3-6 0 0 0 0 A0 PS 6102933 29-Oct-2006 22:55:08 22:57:46 23:09:00 832 76 176448 6-12 412 901 991 0 A0 P1 6103010 30-Oct-2006 08:53:44 08:56:54 09:03:36 592 42 114288 6-12 971 -73 974 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 6103015 30-Oct-2006 09:03:36 09:04:50 09:07:16 220 32 38352 6-12 974 -63 976 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 6103011 30-Oct-2006 09:07:16 09:17:30 09:18:44 688 84 197304 6-12 972 -72 975 0 A0 DR P1 PE Q2 6103013 30-Oct-2006 19:35:12 19:35:58 19:38:12 180 30 25008 6-12 -843 -158 858 0 A0 P1 6103014 30-Oct-2006 21:06:00 21:09:22 21:18:00 720 38 110304 6-12 -854 -119 862 0 A0 P1 6103126 31-Oct-2006 01:11:20 01:13:02 01:14:04 164 26 21744 6-12 -814 -151 828 921 A0 P1 6103114 31-Oct-2006 03:52:12 03:54:10 03:55:12 180 40 32640 6-12 -804 -155 819 921 A0 P1 6103127 31-Oct-2006 03:55:12 03:58:22 04:00:20 308 72 91680 6-12 -797 -136 808 921 A0 P1 6103102 31-Oct-2006 04:00:20 04:03:22 04:20:48 1228 160 357168 6-12 -797 -134 808 921 A0 DR P1 Q1 6103116 31-Oct-2006 05:36:08 05:38:02 05:40:48 280 38 53088 6-12 -785 -136 797 921 A0 DR P1 Q1 6103128 31-Oct-2006 05:40:48 05:42:38 05:47:48 420 36 71760 6-12 -793 -129 804 921 A0 DR P1 Q1 6103117 31-Oct-2006 08:27:16 08:27:50 08:32:04 288 46 30912 6-12 -775 -162 792 921 A0 P1 6103118 31-Oct-2006 08:35:16 08:35:54 08:36:28 72 28 8664 6-12 -782 -159 798 921 A0 P1 6103103 31-Oct-2006 08:48:44 08:49:26 08:52:04 200 68 35880 6-12 -771 -163 788 921 A0 DR P1 Q1 6103112 31-Oct-2006 15:35:08 15:37:58 15:39:20 252 200 153168 12-25 -772 -152 787 921 A0 DR GS P1 Q2 6103121 31-Oct-2006 16:27:12 16:29:18 16:30:36 204 30 30480 6-12 -817 -225 848 921 A0 P1 6103129 31-Oct-2006 16:30:36 16:31:50 16:35:32 296 34 42288 6-12 -825 -228 856 921 A0 P1 6103124 31-Oct-2006 21:04:36 21:07:30 21:09:28 292 28 40176 6-12 -684 -141 699 0 A0 P1 6103130 31-Oct-2006 21:09:28 21:10:50 21:12:04 156 40 21168 6-12 -705 -147 720 0 A0 P1 Notes: Note that only events with non-zero position and energy range not equal to 3-6 keV are confirmed as solar sources. Events which have no position and show up mostly in the front detectors, but were not able to be imaged are flagged as "PS". Events which do not have valid position are only confirmed to be non-solar if the NS flag is set. Peak Rate: peak counts/second in energy range 6-12 keV, averaged over active collimators, including background. Total Counts: counts in energy range 6-12 keV integrated over duration of flare summed over all subcollimators, including background. Energy: the highest energy band in which the flare was observed. Radial Distance: distance from Sun center Quality Codes: Qn, where n is the total number of data gap, SAA, particle, eclipse or decimation flags set for event. n ranges from 0 to 11. Use care when analyzing the data when the quality is not zero. Flare Flag Codes: a0 - In attenuator state 0 (None) sometime during flare a1 - In attenuator state 1 (Thin) sometime during flare a2 - In attenuator state 2 (Thick) sometime during flare a3 - In attenuator state 3 (Both) sometime during flare An - Attenuator state (0=None, 1=Thin, 2=Thick, 3=Both) at peak of flare DF - Front segment counts were decimated sometime during flare DR - Rear segment counts were decimated sometime during flare ED - Spacecraft eclipse (night) sometime during flare EE - Flare ended in spacecraft eclipse (night) ES - Flare started in spacecraft eclipse (night) FE - Flare ongoing at end of file FR - In Fast Rate Mode FS - Flare ongoing at start of file GD - Data gap during flare GE - Flare ended in data gap GS - Flare started in data gap MR - Spacecraft in high-latitude zone during flare NS - Non-solar event PE - Particle event: Particles are present PS - Possible Solar Flare; in front detectors, but no position Pn - Position Quality: P0 = Position is NOT valid, P1 = Position is valid Qn - Data Quality: Q0 = Highest Quality, Q11 = Lowest Quality SD - Spacecraft was in SAA sometime during flare SE - Flare ended when spacecraft was in SAA SS - Flare started when spacecraft was in SAA